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Emergency/Spill Response
b/ Spill Reporting/Emergency Response Numbers and Resources

Environment Canada - Environmental Emergencies Program

  • Emergency Contacts
  • Environment Canada -  Spill Reporting in the Maritimes

    Atlantic Regional Environmental Emergencies Team (REET) “In 1973, Environment Canada set up national and regional committees to give advice on how to prevent, plan for and respond to environmental emergencies. These committees, or "teams", are made up of representatives from federal and provincial government agencies responsible for environmental protection, and from private industry. Each regional committee is referred to as the Regional Environmental Emergency Team, or REET.�

    CANUTEC, the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre of the Department of Transport

    Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada


    Alberta Emergency Numbers

    Alberta Municipal Affairs - Emergency Management Alberta website

    British Columbia: Provincial Emergency Program website

    British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection - Environmental Emergencies Branch

    • Provincial Environmental Emergency Notification - "Environmental emergencies include: spills, discharges, emissions, as well as dyke and dam failures, debris flows and floods. The environmental emergency reporting is by telephoning the 24 hour toll-free number."

    British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection - Marine Oil Spill Preparedness webpage

    The Pacific States - British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force

    Manitoba Conservation Emergency Response

    Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization

    New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization

    Newfoundland and Labrador Emergency Measures Organization

    Northwest Territories:
    Guide to the Spill Contingency Planning and Reporting Regulations (pdf format), January 2002
    Spill Report Form

    Northwest Territories Emergency Measures Organization

    Nova Scotia Emergency Numbers

    Nova Scotia Emergencies Measures Organization

    Ontario Ministry of the Environment - Reporting Spills and Environmental Emergencies

    PEI Emergency Measures Organization

    Quebec Emergency Numbers (Urgence-Environnement).

    Quebec Emergency Preparedness


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