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Alberta Sustainable Resource Development - Forests

British Columbia Forest Practices Board

British Columbia Ministry of Forests

British Columbia Ministry of Forests Legislation and Regulations Compendium website

Canada's Forest Network

Canadian Forest Service

Canadian Forests website

Canadian Sustainable Forestry Certification Coalition

Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada

Forest Products Association of Canada

Forestry Continuing Studies Network Society of British Columbia

New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - Ontario's Forests webpage

Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Québec Forest Industries Association

Watershed Restoration Project
"The Watershed Restoration Program was implemented in mid-season 1994. It provides an important opportunity to improve water quality and reverse fish habitat impairment occurring as a result of past forest harvesting practices. The Program continues to be directed jointly between the British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection."

Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources - Forest webpage (in english)

Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec - les forêts (en français)

Sustainable Forest Management Network
A Network of Centres of Excellence - "unique partnerships among universities, industry, government and non-governmental organizations aimed at turning Canadian research and entrepreneurial talent into economic and social benefits for all Canadians."

The State of Canada's Forests website, Natural Resources Canada


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