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Environmental Industry - Business Opportunity Resources
Domestic and International Business Opportunity Resources:

SourceCan - Government of Canada
"SourceCAN is a free e-marketplace that matches Canadian products and services with thousands of business opportunities posted by domestic and foreign corporations and governments. Through an international tender feeding system, small and medium sized Canadian companies can source bids, post opportunities and pursue strategic partnerships, all within a secure online trading environment."

Domestic Opportunity Resources:

Contracts Canada website
"If you are a supplier wanting to do business with the federal government, this site has information you need to understand how the government does its buying."

MERX - The Electronic Tendering Service
MERX has been the central online tendering service for accessing federal, provincial, and other tenders since 1997, with their government contract most recently being renewed in May 2004. The MERX service is based on a searchable online database of tenders from Federal, Provincial and Municipal Departments and Agencies, as well as School Boards and Hospitals from across Canada. The Provinces/Territories that post their opportunities on MERX are: Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nunavut.

BIDS - Atlantic Canada
"BIDS distributes tender documents for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, the province of Nova Scotia, the Province of New Brunswick, Sable Offshore Energy Inc. and many other organizations."

MARCAN - Canadian Public Tenders Gateway

Alberta Purchasing Connection
The Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC) replaced MERX as Alberta's official electronic tendering system as of May 31, 2004 and includes all Departments, Municipalities and publicly funded Agencies.

BC Bid, British Columbia Ministry of Management Services
"Welcome to BC Bid - Every day, new bid opportunities are posted to BC Bid® by the B.C. Public Sector. There is no charge to view or download bid documents." (also see the BC Purchasing Commission website for related information)

New Brunswick Opportunities Network

Newfoundland and Labrador - Government Purchasing Agency

Northwest Territories - Transportation and Public Works Services

Nova Scotia - Tender Opportunities and User Resources webpage

Nunavut - Business Opportunities webpage

Prince Edward Island Procurement Services - Tenders

Quebec - Système Électronique d'Appels d'Offres (SEAO)
The Système Électronique d'Appels d'Offres (SEAO) is Quebec's official public-sector electronic tendering service.

Saskatchewan - SaskTenders
SaskTenders is a new service that provides free access to the Government of Saskatchewan tenders. Yukon - Tenders

International Opportunity Resources:

Taking the Plunge - Your Chance at International Business Opportunities, by Richard V. Laughton, CENSOL Inc., updated June 6, 2004

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

International Trade Canada

Canadian Commercial Corporation
"The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is an export sales agency, wholly owned by the Government of Canada. We help Canadian exporters win sales, on improved terms, in government and private-sector markets around the world."

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Doing business in China:

  • Canada China Business Council (CCBC)
  • Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (CCCHK)
  • Hong Kong-Canada Business Association (HKCBA)
  • Environmental Technology Opportunities Portal, United States Environmental Protection Agency

    Export Development Canada (EDC)

    Federal Business Opportunities website (USA)
    " is the single government point-of-entry (GPE) for Federal government procurement opportunities over $25,000."

    Industry Canada - Strategis website

    • Pathways to Growth website
      "Welcome to Pathways to Growth, an online forum where private sector environment firms, governments, and other industry stakeholders can collaborate and brainstorm the development of an Action Plan for the growth of Canada's environment industry in the 21st century."
    • Sustainable Cities Initiative

    Japan External Trade Organization website
    This website is very comprehensive and includes a database of Japanese Government Procurement Opportunities.

    United Nations maESTro, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
    Reach a Global Audience - get listed in UNEP's FREE searchable directory for Environmentally Sound Technology (EST).

    United Nations Procurement website

    World Trade Centre Montréal
    "Dedicated to serving Canadian exporters, industry associations, institutions and economic development organizations, WTC Montréal has a clearly defined mission: Support, train and advise companies, associations and economic development institutions and organizations in their activities on international markets, in order to foster the export of their products and services, through an integrated programme of export solutions."


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