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Posted by:
E. Pasztor
on 10/27/02 Title:
Canada and international enviro. law
Postnum: 104 EntryID:656
I was curious to know about Canada, under the Chretien regime, in the context of international environmental regulations. Has Canada observed the laws, have they acted unilaterally? How is Chretien's environmental policy measuring up? Any insight would be great. Thanks.
Posted by:
Peter Broad
on 9/12/05 Title:
Re: Canada and international enviro. law
Postnum: 104 EntryID:1469
Canada still pumps raw sewerage into the sea or lakes see http://sierralegal.org/reports/Sewage.pdf
Any other questions? We burn high sulphur coal that even the US won't touch and as a consequence have ligh mercury in soil levels. We may be better than FSU but not much!