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Posted by: Nelson on 10/6/01 Title: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:409
I am looking to develop a comprehensive EMS manual collection so that I may become more knowledgeable regarding EMS implementation and design. I would appreciate some help in finding as many EMS manuals as possible in order to develop my owm system. Please list as many manuals and their sources as possible, Thank you.


Posted by: Rob Brioschi on 10/16/01 Title: Re: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:417
What type of EMS manual are you looking for i.e. something that meets the ISO 14001 standard or other criteria. Also do you work for industry, government or consulting. Please let me know.


Rob Brioschi

Posted by: Nelson on 10/18/01 Title: Re: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:420
Hello Rob,

Thank you for responding. Right now I am my own entity. I am looking for EMS development and/or implementation manuals to suit as many areas as possible with ISO, gov't, consultants and industry alike. Any help you can give me would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Nelson A. Switzer, B.Sc., M.Eng., E.S.

Posted by: Kyle on 11/1/01 Title: Re: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:437

You can start by looking at the CSA on-line store. They have all kinds of EMS (ISO 14001) manuals. The Plus guides and implementation documents are particularly good resources.

Posted by: Kyle on 11/1/01 Title: Re: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:438
Sorry, I forgot to include the website url

Posted by: Talis Forstmanis on 12/11/01 Title: Re: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:469
Use the entire ISO 14001 standard or useful parts to build your own EMS. I have developed a paperless database system that also has operational functionality. "Manuals" are archaic in my opinion. A database can handle EMS, Quality and H&S in one system. NPRI and Ontario Reg. 127 reporting is easily automated.

Posted by: Deepa on 4/12/02 Title: Re: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:537
Please send me more info on the "paperless database system". can this be used for the documentation element of 14001? Thank you.

Posted by: Walid on 3/24/04 Title: Re: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:1059
EMS require a documented manual, should be electronic and hard copy, it is the only oblication in the ISO standards and EMAS regulations, regardless that the rest of the standards drive you to get your own procedures and work instructions.

Posted by: paul on 6/15/04 Title: Re: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:1133
I am looking for a typical ems matrix for ISO14000:1996

Posted by: paul on 6/15/04 Title: Re: EMS Manuals
Postnum: 12 EntryID:1134
I am looking for a typical ems matrix for ISO14000:1996

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