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Posted by: Irina on 10/11/01 Title: Environmental job hints.
Postnum: 13 EntryID:412
Hey, everybody! I'm a recent Sheridan graduate ("Env-tal Control and OH&S" 8-months full-time tough program).I also have Master's in Chemistry and 13 years hands-on experience as Env-tal Specialist at manufacturing company outside Canada. I would highly appreciate if you share with me your job search experience and strategy to help in my endevour.

Thanks everybody in advance for consideration. Irina.


Posted by: The Solution Board on 10/18/01 Title: Re: Environmental job hints.
Postnum: 13 EntryID:421
Hello Irina,

The Canadian Council for Human Resources in the Environment Industry (CCHREI) has some excellent programs that you might be interested in. Their URL is:

Good luck in your job search!


Posted by: CAMARA on 12/11/01 Title: Re: Environmental job hints.
Postnum: 13 EntryID:467
I am ready to work like a volunteer how long it is possible in order to have this famous canadian experience.Can you advice me where can i get volunteer environnemental job. Thank you for your suggestions.

Posted by: Carmen on 4/5/02 Title: Re: Environmental job hints.
Postnum: 13 EntryID:526
Hi Irina, I know how difficult is to get a job as a foreign trained individual. I am in the same situation but my field is geology. I advice you to try the following web addresses: and, if you are in Ontario : (this site help you to find all the environmental companies). I wish to hear from you if you get a job. Good luck!


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