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Posted by:
on 8/16/04 Title:
suldge from water treatment (drinking water)
Postnum: 269 EntryID:1187
I would like to know what kind of process to treat sludges are available in water treatment. Is there a possibility to share the different sludges (like pre-sedminentation or biofliters wash...) Is there ecological ways to eliminate or re-use these sludges? Tkank you in advance!
Posted by:
Mike Johnston
on 8/17/04 Title:
Re: suldge from water treatment (drinking water)
Postnum: 269 EntryID:1189
Often the sludge can be used to make concrete depending on the impuritiies that it contains. That is what the water treatrment plant that I worked at did with it's sludge. The majority of our sludge was generated from the addition of lime to "soften" the water. This process parcipitates out lime and other minerals which can be ideal as raw stock for concrete. We did have it tested prior to use to ensure that there were no hazardous materials but it never had any significant levels of any toxins or metals.
Mike J.
Posted by:
Edwin Bayron
on 11/11/04 Title:
Re: suldge from water treatment (drinking water)
Postnum: 269 EntryID:1254
By this average desire to have information on hantes the chemical treatments and pruevas submissive sludge of its disposition. It is that I am making a thesis study on, handling of sludge in Puerto Rico. Thanks.
Posted by:
Water Man
on 1/25/05 Title:
Re: suldge from water treatment (drinking water)
Postnum: 269 EntryID:1306
One way to deal with the sludge is to eliminate its source. The way to do that is through the installation of membranes. The membranes systems from Zenon Environmental will provide better quality water and eliminate the need to purchase coagulants and disposal and handling of waste sludges.