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Posted by:
on 9/2/04 Title:
Fruits & vegetable - over ripe, non eatable
Postnum: 272 EntryID:1202
I work for a wholesaler of fruits & vegetable and I was wondering what we could do with theses fruits & vegetable and especially the packaging.
Could we recycle / compost?
What would be the set-up for this type of operation; cost, revenue, etc?
Posted by:
on 9/5/04 Title:
Re: Fruits & vegetable - over ripe, non eatable
Postnum: 272 EntryID:1207
Well if you live where I do, you wouldn't be able to do anything with them. I have aproached businesses in the past that insist all of their waste go to a landfill. There needs to be national laws put in place that would require them to dispose of organics in an environmentally responsable way!!!!
Posted by:
Brent H
on 2/18/05 Title:
Re: Fruits & vegetable - over ripe, non eatable
Postnum: 272 EntryID:1328
Composting is definately your best option! There are many ways to accomplish this depending on where you are located. My suggestion would be to contact the Composting Council of Canada www.compost.org (or the equivalent in the US) to find resources in your area. There are many companies accepting organic wastes and many consultants who can help you set up your own operation if that is feasible.