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Posted by:
on 9/20/04 Title:
Diaper Recycling
Postnum: 274 EntryID:1210
Is anybody familiar with diaper composting?
Posted by:
Mike Johnston
on 9/20/04 Title:
Re: Diaper Recycling
Postnum: 274 EntryID:1211
I have read some articles on Planet Ark and ENN about a company that has patented a recycling program for disposable diapers. They did not go into detail beyond that the first step is to shred them to allow for better aeration, a necessary step in composting. Both of these web sites archeive thier stories so you should be able to find the article. Both also offer a daily e-mail newsletter if you are interested.
Mike J.
Posted by:
Hu Jun
on 10/7/04 Title:
Re: Diaper Recycling
Postnum: 274 EntryID:1226
Do you tell me their e-mail ?
thank you
B.REgards Hu Jun
e-mail; hxiaojun2001@yahoo.com.cn
Posted by:
Hwan Lee
on 11/30/04 Title:
Re: Diaper Recycling
Postnum: 274 EntryID:1276
someone posted info on this too http://www.canadianenvironmental.com/solutionboard/app_master.cfm?action=detail&PostNum=264&Thread=1&roomID=1&entryID=1174
Posted by:
J.P. Marini
on 12/1/04 Title:
Re: Diaper Recycling
Postnum: 274 EntryID:1277
We are in the process of developing an operation for composting diapers with organic municipal waste. Does anybody have any experience with this?