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Posted by:
on 7/29/05 Title:
ISO 14001:2004 Internal Auditor training
Postnum: 314 EntryID:1434
Is anyone aware of reputable trainers/companies for ISO 14001:2004 internal auditor training? We're looking for on/off-site training in the GTA for Aug, Sept, Oct. Please respond with contact information. Thanks in advance. Deepa
Posted by:
Mike Johnston
on 7/29/05 Title:
Re: ISO 14001:2004 Internal Auditor training
Postnum: 314 EntryID:1436
We Use Excell. Their website is xlp.com
Mike Johnston
Posted by:
Blair Howell
on 8/2/05 Title:
Re: ISO 14001:2004 Internal Auditor training
Postnum: 314 EntryID:1447
We have been using BRC - Business Resource Center. You can find them at www.thebrc.ca
Posted by:
on 8/31/05 Title:
Re: ISO 14001:2004 Internal Auditor training
Postnum: 314 EntryID:1457
We use Barnes & Jeffries - they have always been very good. www.BarnesandJeffreys.com
Posted by:
Peter Broad
on 9/12/05 Title:
Re: ISO 14001:2004 Internal Auditor training
Postnum: 314 EntryID:1461
In North America "Educational program innovations Centers have frequent courses on line or at major centers www.epic-edu.com