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Posted by:
Solution Board
on 5/3/01 Title:
Postnum: 4 EntryID:387
Welcome to The SolutionBoard! If you're faced with a particular environmental challenge or you would like to share your expertise this is the place to do it. Our own experts will also be monitoring this forum periodically and will participate in the discussion at times - primarily to suggest particular documents/resources that may be relevant.
Posted by:
Vince Gagich
on 12/4/01 Title:
waste treatment
Postnum: 4 EntryID:388
We are looking at treatment of a sodium hydroxide scrubber water. The solution is used to scrub SO2 out of air. The solution is scraped once it reaches a pH of 7. The solution has much sulphates and is also high in COD upto 20000 ppm. Can you help? Would like to treat for discharge to sanitary sewer. Any advise is welcome.
Posted by:
Kimberly Lentz
on 5/28/01 Title:
Re: Waste Treatment
Postnum: 4 EntryID:390
Do you have a Kraft pulpmill nearby? Some pulpmills purchase makeup "saltcake" that is mainly sodium sulphate. Depending on the nature of the COD, your scrubber waste might be able to go into the pulpmill's black liquor cycle as a makeup source.
Posted by:
Dave Dougherty
on 6/1/01 Title:
Re: Welcome
Postnum: 4 EntryID:396
Have you considered using calcium hydroxide, or adding calcium carbonate to the spent solution? Gypsum should precipitate, reducing the concentration of sulphate in the solution.
Have you identified the course of the COD? If it is organics, you likely have a serious problem that requires investigation. If it is inorganics, you may be able to knock it down by precipitation of the appropriate salts. However, sulphate is surely not the culprit.
Posted by:
on 10/9/01 Title:
Re: info needed
Postnum: 4 EntryID:410
Hey! I am a highschool student in Ontario, Canada, and I was just wondering if anyone knew or had information on scholarships I could benefit from. I plan on taking Environmental Science for my major, so this is why I ask and write to this web site. Also, I am doing a goegraphy world issues project, and I am wondering if anyone could assist me with some of my facts. The main question I want answered is if people are taking pollution seriously enough, or are governments pushing this issue aide. If you could help me in anyway, I'd really, really appreciate your time and thoughts. Hope to hear from you soon! Steph.
Posted by:
Don Wilson
on 10/16/01 Title:
Spent Sodium Hydroxide
Postnum: 4 EntryID:416
Orgnex may be able to use the sodium hydroxide as a feedstock in its fly ash conversion Technology. We are testing the use of " spent NaOH. Please Reply