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Posted by: Nada on 2/14/02 Title: Enviro. Legislation Databases
Postnum: 47 EntryID:507
I am currently doing an internship for an autoparts manufacturer, and I am working on legislative compliance for our EMS for ISO 14001.

My question is about Ecolog. I've been to the website ( and tried to browse around to figure out more about the benefits of their service. I'm wondering how good an Ecolog subscription is for keeping you updated on environmental legislation, if its easy to use, and if its easy to search for acts, regulations or amendments that are specifically applicable to your industry.

I'm considering having the company switch from its current subscription to Ecolog's on-line subscription, and essentially trying to determine if that would be worthwhile. Also, are there other good on-line services for environmental legislation?

Any help and advice is appreciated. Thanks--Nada


Posted by: J Wolfe on 2/26/02 Title: Re: Enviro. Legislation Databases
Postnum: 47 EntryID:512
You might want to check out

Posted by: Jessica on 3/21/02 Title: Re: Enviro. Legislation Databases
Postnum: 47 EntryID:522

I have also had the pleasure of locating all legislative requirements for an industry for ISO 14001 purposes. We did look at ecolog as an option to update our database, however, we found that there are enough great web sites out there that do not require a subscription. Take a look at Also, I found that the Legislation section on this web site is very helpful directing you to current environmental legislation. Our greatest challenge was finding municipal legislation (by-laws, etc.). Good Luck!

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