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Posted by: Ken Hollomby on 2/14/02 Title: Bacillus thuringiensis
Postnum: 48 EntryID:508
Recently our municipality has been approched to authorize the use of BT pesticide for the control of mosquitoes and black flies in parts of our territory.

We have some concerns regarding this procedure in that other wild life may also be eliminated along with the two pests previously noted. We also have concerns that if we eliminate the main food source of some of the birds in the area, what will happen to them, will they also be eliminated or will they relocate elsewhere. As well as birds we are also concerned about the well being of various butterflies and insects that are not deliberately being targeted.

Would are trying to find out the various pros and cons on the use of this means of pest control

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon, yours truly

Ken Hollomby


Posted by: The Solution Board on 2/14/02 Title: Re: Bacillus thuringiensis
Postnum: 48 EntryID:509
I'm sure there are many across Canada who have faced the same question who can share their experiences with you.

There are also some very good resources related to pesticides listed in our section on pesticides under the Hazardous Materials/Chemicals section of 'Enviro Topics' (see the menu to the left). For example, a quick search in Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency Website identified the following fact sheets about Bacillus thuringiensis among others.

Posted by: Richard Vermette on 10/4/02 Title: Re: Bacillus thuringiensis
Postnum: 48 EntryID:626
I am a biologist who has done some research on Bt and has participated in control campaigns. To my knowledge, there are few if any documented cases of direct and indirect effects on non-target species. Therefore, I believe that the use of Bt is a relatively low impact solution that should be considered if pest control is necessary. And I stress the word "necessary".

However, a current hypothesis is that extensive use of Bt could result in the development of resistance in Mosquitos and Blackflies as may even result in a shift in life history evolution of target-species. It has also been documented that blackfly larvae may make up an important part of the diet for juvenile brook charr. I therefore recommend the expert opinion of an experienced consultant.

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