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Posted by:
on 5/29/01 Title:
Biomedical Waste Survey
Postnum: 5 EntryID:391
I am currently working on a biomedical waste survey of the Regina Health District. In this survey, I am using questionnaires as a means to obtain general type information. I am wondering if anyone has any useful information regarding questionnaire development, particularily as it pertains to Waste Management/Environmental Health.
Thanks alot!
Posted by:
brian ryell
on 9/14/01 Title:
Re: Biomedical Waste Survey
Postnum: 5 EntryID:403
In case its not too late to offer assitance, when I was doing proposals for waste audits including hospitals, I found alot of info on web sites in the U.S. They had one called Sustainable Hospitals at www.uml.edu/centers/LCSP/hospitals/index.html
This site had examples of surveys, issues relating to biomedical waste problems and alternatives materials for use in hospitals. Check it out.
Brian Ryell