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Posted by: Jack Woledge on 7/19/01 Title: Contaminants on bridge surfaces
Postnum: 6 EntryID:398
I am an Environmental Researcher for the Yukon government. We are developing Bridge Washing Guidelines that protect Migratory & resident bird, fish and fish habitat.

I am interested in any guidelines, regulations that specify a Bridge Washing process. I am interested in any research and/or chemical composition studies of bridge paint, soil(s)accumulated over the course of time on a bridge, tests of riparian areas within & without the highway corridor, tests of stream sediment, etc.

Thank you Jack Woledge


Posted by: Tim on 10/17/01 Title: Re: Contaminants on bridge surfaces
Postnum: 6 EntryID:419

I am an environmental consultant based in Vancouver, BC. The primary issue I have seen with regards to bridge washing is the use of sand grit in blasting or cleaning the bridge structure itself. For example, in Vancouver the Port Mann (Hwy. 1) bridge was recently cleaned and re-painted and in preparation for this the bridge was sand-blasted. To prevent excess grit/ debris, the areas being cleaned were completely encapsulated.

What type of cleaning? The Bc Government has some BMPs on marina/ boat cleaning operations that may be useful.

Regards, Tim

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