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Posted by: Liz Ptashnik on 8/6/01 Title: methods to recycle electric arc furnace dust
Postnum: 7 EntryID:399
I am an Environmental Technician for a steel foundry. I am researching different methods to recycle electric arc furnace dust. I was hoping that someone might be of some assistance.

Thank you.


Posted by: Darren Wolek on 9/20/01 Title: Re: methods to recycle electric arc furnace dust
Postnum: 7 EntryID:405
We have researched this as well, and have had limited success partly due to the fact that our EAF dust is generated from stainless steel manufacturing and therefore contains low zinc and high alloys. Depending on the chemistry of your dust and the volumes produced, you may want to contact companies like Inmetco, or Horsehead, which to my knowledge use a DRI process to extract the zinc and return pig iron ingots to the customer. A while back, we were briquetting the dust and charging a small percentage back into the furnace, but had metallury issues.

The problem you may run into however may relate to volume requirements. Any operation would likely need significant volumes to make the process economical.

At the present time, both our facility and our parent facility, which manufactures mainly carbon grades, simply sends the dust to Sarnia.

Darren Wolek Environmental Coordinator Atlas Specialty Steels

Posted by: Blake Nesbitt on 11/12/01 Title: Re: methods to recycle electric arc furnace dust
Postnum: 7 EntryID:444
Several years ago my company was involved in a multi-year program investigating alternative treatment technologies for electric arc furnace dust. We investigated classical methods, such as recovery in Waelz (and related) processes, stabilization and chemical/extraction type technologies.

In the course of these investigations we came upon a technology which was capable of producing high quality pig iron and a recoverable zinc/lead concentrate in one process train. The key to this technology was the production of a permeable yet mechanically robust self-reducing, self-fluxing briquette (or pellet).

We conducted several pilot scale tests at the US Bureau of Mines facility in Oregon and generated tons of recovered pig iron & slag. Due to limitations of the furnaces available at the test facility, the leady-zinc byproduct quality was less than spectacular but was encouraging.

The most amazing and encouraging development of the project came during the profroma analysis of a proposed greenfield recycle project (sized to process 50,000 tons per year of EAF dust) - based on the value of the recovered pig iron and the low grade zinc dust (present as ZnO by the way), the project was viable if the EAF dust was received virtually for free!

Unfortunately my company became entangled in an expensive (and ultimately disasterous) aquisition of a competitor and abandoned further development of this process. However, the key people involved in the process are still available and none of the technical information has been lost.

Posted by: John F. ( Jack ) White on 4/25/04 Title: Re: methods to recycle electric arc furnace dust
Postnum: 7 EntryID:1077
Stainless steel EAFD has been tested hard and has had a long run on the actual daily operations for more than 10 years. The plan had many great reviews and showed great recoverys of Ni, Cr, Mo from the EAFD in the form of Briquettes. I was the developer and also ran the daily operation for 8 years. I would be delighted to discuss this with you . Atlas Steel has also run campains of briquettes at the Welland and Tracy plants. I was responsible for the manufacturing of these briquettes. You may contact me by email. I live in West Tennessee. Jack White

Posted by: G.Nouaille on 5/10/04 Title: Re: methods to recycle electric arc furnace dust
Postnum: 7 EntryID:1094
In Europe, stainless steel dusts are recycled (by BUS) in a modify electric furnace which enable to recover Ni, Cr, Mo as alloy at the bottom meanwhile Zn is volatized in the fumes.

Carbon steel dusts are treat in Waelz (rotary) kilns using the same method as Horsehead. About 3 kilns in Germany, 2 in Italy, 1 in Spain, 1 in France.

Posted by: TAHIR SOFILIC PhD on 6/14/04 Title: Re: methods to recycle electric arc furnace dust
Postnum: 7 EntryID:1129
Mechel ltd

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