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Posted by: Sara on 6/3/02 Title: Hydrocarbon contaminated soils
Postnum: 77 EntryID:578
I am in the process of initiating research into hydrocarbon-contaminated soils and am interested in looking at the effectiveness of plants (phytoremediation) for removal of these hydrocarbons in aged soils. I am looking for Canadian (more specifically British Columbia) companies which produce products and/or microbial inoculants for remediation efforts. Does anyone know of such a company or have any ideas regarding a good place to start my search?


Posted by: Bill Fellner on 10/21/02 Title: Re: Hydrocarbon contaminated soils
Postnum: 77 EntryID:647
Hi Sara I hope I'm not too late in replying your posting on removing/destroying hydrocarbons in soil. Phytoremediation for the most part is not a reliable method but it makes for good academic research. One company in Canada that does a lot of groundwater cleanup, is Purifics ( using a very novel and highly advanced Canadian developed technology. Unfortunately their technology is not used much in Canada because the environmental an academic communities here are largly ignorant of the process. Purifics however, does a great deal of groundwater cleanup in the US and you should look at their website . Theirprocess is years ahead of anything else on the market for the removal/destruction of toxic organics and hydrocarbons in both water and air

hope this helps. Bill

Posted by: Sara on 10/21/02 Title: Re: Hydrocarbon contaminated soils
Postnum: 77 EntryID:648
Better late than never! Thanks for heads up on Purifics - I'll definitely take a look.

Posted by: Eckhard Biller on 4/9/03 Title: Re: Hydrocarbon contaminated soils
Postnum: 77 EntryID:805
Purifics is not the only company who manufactures a Bio-Degradation agent for hudrocarbon soiled soil. Check out Product Formula ERA-36 Regards Eckhard

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