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Posted by: GREGORY MC NUTT on 6/18/02 Title: my polluted drinking water from hwy run off
Postnum: 81 EntryID:587
Our domestic drinking water well is a surface dug well. My neighbours driveway measures 90f long paved flush with hwy. The hwy is on a bit of a hill towards our home as the land in the back of us that has two homes. We have had tested the water run off ten times that runs off of hwy down our neighbours driveway towards our well that is close to our neighbours end of driveway. Each time we had our water tested it has had road salt, e-coli, and bacteria . The same contaminants that are in the water run off down the neighbours driveway off of the hwy. The town i live in Liverpool Queens Co N.S. has no concern over the matter, the one's that run this town comments it's to be this way live with it. My neighbours driveway blocks the run off so the water diverts from the hwy and of the shoulder of the road to allow the water to go to our well rather to go to proper channel farther down the rd. My neighbour drains his large swimming pool towards our well as pours liquids beside well as had a old car leaking radiator fluid all one winter beside well from a old car. We tried to have our water tested for these things we are very scared of and the company doing the testing told us without having a sample what to test for they could not test for those things in our water.. We have taken neighbour to court and a NS. judge claims water is to flow down hill. The dept of health and dept of enviroment of N.S. are arguing over who looks into this matter. and our water stays the same.We are in need of some very good advice How can one get a town council and goverment to listen. G.Mc


Posted by: Jimbo on 1/17/04 Title: Re: my polluted drinking water from hwy run off
Postnum: 81 EntryID:1018
Tough situation

The Problem with getting any gov't support is that the onus lies upon you to prove that the "pollutants" in your well are caused by sources other than gravity. This would probably require a hydrogeologist ($$$). A quick soultion would be to drill a new, deeper well, into a deep aquifer. Unfortunately, there are many people in a similar position, and they usually resort to a water ionizer or some other purification device out of thier own wallet.

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