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Posted by: C Francis on 7/8/02 Title: environmentally friendly cars
Postnum: 83 EntryID:590
I am in the process of looking for a new vehicle and am trying to find web-sites where I would be able to find vehicles that are environmentally friendly - any suggestions? Thanks


Posted by: DS on 7/18/02 Title: Re: environmentally friendly cars
Postnum: 83 EntryID:592
Check manufacturer's websites such as Hona, GM, Ford etc. All have fuel efficient vehicles (in comparison to current and older models). Many even have hybrids out on the market (elctric/gasoline powered). Often the extra price you pay for the car does not equal any savings with gasoline consumption. Pick wisely and ensure that the vehicle is suitable for your driving needs.

Posted by: Ryan on 8/14/02 Title: Re: environmentally friendly cars
Postnum: 83 EntryID:606
I suggest you check out VW's line of diesel cars. The new TDIs (Turbo diesel injection) operate on diesel and deliver the performance of a regular gasoline engine. They emit half the emissions of gasoline alternatives, and run on half the fuel! I brought a Golf TDI in December and am averaging around 1000km per tank, enjoying the fuel savings and knowing that my car has one of the lowest emission rates out there!!! If you are intrested in finding out more on TDI cars, check out

Posted by: Harry Bolls on 9/30/02 Title: Re: environmentally friendly cars
Postnum: 83 EntryID:623
Thank you DS. You seem to have all the answers to the world's problems. Your advice is so insightful. Us mere mortals would never think about choosing a product wisely. What should we do about hunger in Africa?

Posted by: Radioflyer on 12/18/02 Title: Re: environmentally friendly cars
Postnum: 83 EntryID:706
This is a tougher question than some people may think. Yes, new, smaller cars are better, particularly given that their regulations regarding emissions and fuel economy are more stringent. Hybrids/electrics are extremely fuel efficient but present other problems. This includes the disposal/recycling of the battery system and the potential required replacement of the battery pack in a <10 year time frame. Diesels provide good fuel efficiency but tend to emit higher concentrations of NOX (acid forming chemicals). Diesel fuel in North America is relatively "dirty". Also, that particles emitted by diesels is currently being studied, with some initial results suggesting that the soot could exacerbate global warming, with potential effects per unit mass 100 times greater than CO2 (although through different methods - not as a "greenhouse gas").

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