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Posted by:
on 9/12/02 Title:
Environment promotion
Postnum: 94 EntryID:615
Hi All,
I am currently a student in environnment and am working in a pharmaceutical company in the province of Quebec. My boss asked me to promote the environment inside the company.
I have found a company the can make posters with environmental slogans on it. However, I would like to have more than this option available to me. I don't know if anybody on this board is working in a production plant and would be willing to share their ideas but if so, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks alot!
Posted by:
The Solution Board
on 10/13/02 Title:
Re: Environment promotion
Postnum: 94 EntryID:636
Hello Eric,
There is a list of Government Environmental Training and Awareness Materials located at http://learnet.gc.ca/eng/comcentr/science/eat_eng/index_e.htm I'm not sure if all of the materials listed are available to the public, however you may pick up some ideas here. For example, one of the entries is 'Reduce Reuse Recycle Reward: A Guide to Developing Environmental Awards & Recognition Programs'.
Best Regards, Editor, The Solution Board
Posted by:
Elizabeth Szymanski
on 10/19/02 Title:
Re: Environment promotion
Postnum: 94 EntryID:643
Eric, You might consider implementing employee trip reduction program. The goal of such program is to decrease the number of single occupancy vehicles (SOV)the major source of transportation emissions by shifting employee's mode of travel. Such programs are widely implemented in U.S. and consist of providing incentives and support for carpooling, vanpooling, telecommuting or transit. Check company carpool programs at http://www.gosmart.ca or search for TDM papers (transportation demand management)at US National Transportation Library http://ntl.bts.gov/DOCS/.
Regards, E.J. Szymanski GoSmart Organized Carpooling Inc. email: eszymanski@gosmart.ca web: www.gosmart.ca
Posted by:
Eric Snyder
on 10/24/02 Title:
Re: Environment promotion
Postnum: 94 EntryID:650
Hi Eric: Interesting challenge you have.
Here's an idea that's easy to implement that will chip away at employee awareness. Get the company to adopt a philosophy of giving corporate gifts that make a difference -- thought provoking gifts that might give the recipient new insights and prompt him or her into doing something to make a difference in our world, or into thinking differently.
For example, the company might give employees a book when they are first hired. "Touching the Earth" is a book written by Roberta Bondar - the first Canadian woman astronaut. The book is described as follows:
"an amazing visual and written testament to the beauty and variety of Earth. Intensely concerned about the health of our planet, Dr. Bondar explores the changes that have taken place over the past twenty-five years of space travel. Her powerful message of hope on the environment will change the way we think about our relationship with the Earth."
Upon promotion to manager, an employee might be given Ray Anderson's book - "Mid Course Correction". Ray Anderson is one of my all time environmental heroes. Here's a description of the book:
"Mr. Anderson has taken an important step forward in leading Interface Corporation towards becoming ecologically neutral. By that phrase, ecologically neutral, I mean taking nothing from and adding nothing to the environment. This concept has become a popular one in Europe beginning in Sweden, in the form of The Natural Step, but has been much more slowly adopted in the United States. Those who are interested in understanding the processes by which a company can pursue improved environmental performance will find many helpful examples in Mid-Course Correction."
You get the idea... Challenge the status quo gifting concept in the organization and see if you can sensitize the organization, and create a nurturing approach. It will look good on the organization -- could even make the local or trade news!!
I've set up a little bookstore with some ideas.. Check out "Gifts That Make A Difference" - http://www.tcm.com/great-gifts/. I'd welcome ANY other great gift suggestions for my little shop.
Posted by:
on 10/25/02 Title:
Re: Environment promotion
Postnum: 94 EntryID:655
Consider what environmental issues affect the people who work in the company, and what environmental issues relate to the pharmaceutical industry. For example, waste reduction is always an easy one to target, especially in a place that uses a lot of paper. Find out how much paper the purchasing department buys, find out how you get rid of it (whether recycling or garbage), and promote better ways to deal with it. Everything that is bought will end up as trash sooner or later, but encourage people to get the most use out of each sheet. For example, people could reuse scrap paper as notepads, you could get into double-sided printing, and of course, make sure that you're recycling what is actually waste. A benefit that management will like too, is that you can show a cost saving. Energy and water use are also good ones to target, but may require a little more investment, both financially and time-wise. The payback can be enormous though.
Talk to people in the company, and find out what they think the environmental issues are within the company and industry. Send out an e-mail survey to drum up interest and find out what people are interested in, and then you can target a couple of issues and promote a better environment--both within the workplace and outside of it.
The key to promoting environmental issues is communication. What are the usual avenues of communication in your company? Are they effective? Do you want to use those avenues, or find new ones? If the usual communication process is not very effective, why not? What are the other options?
Good Luck!! Nada(another environmental studies student)
Posted by:
Peter Broad
on 9/12/05 Title:
Re: Environment promotion
Postnum: 94 EntryID:1470
Pharacuticals often have a high package waste. See if you can't design containers that can be recycled as jewelry boxes, or similar. That way your company logo may remain around after the product is consumed.