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Training Calendar
18th Contaminated and Hazardous Waste Site Management Course
Monday, Jun 10 2013 - Friday, Jun 14 2013
GOwen Environmental and the International Association of Hydrogeologists present Contaminated and Hazardous Waste Site Management, a comprehensive course that provides a solid theoretical and practical foundation in contaminated site management. The Course has been developed especially for individuals who manage, regulate, investigate, remediate, or are impacted by contaminated sites. Managing these sites is a multidisciplinary task, therefore, integrating several disciplines is necessary to efficiently and economically manage or make decisions regarding site issues.

Course participants will receive theoretical and practical foundations, as well as important information regarding regulatory compliance aspects of contaminated site management. This knowledge will be coupled with a hands-on approach to understanding the tools and techniques for managing contaminated sites. Some experience is helpful, but not necessary, as the Course teaches basic principles before addressing more advanced topics.

Location: Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Toronto
Tel: 4162596911

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