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Posted by: William on 11/17/05 Title: HDPE barrel for sale
Postnum: 221 EntryID:848
Have large amount of HDPE barrel for sale. Please advise if interest.


Posted by: Tony Kong on 11/18/05 Title: Re: HDPE barrel for sale
Postnum: 221 EntryID:850
Dear Sirs, We are a plastic scrap buyer in China and interested in HDPE barrels/bottles, cut and baled; HDPE crates/pallets, pressed and baled to offer? CCIC required. If you can supply, please feel free to contact us. Thanks, Tony

Posted by: zadiq on 11/22/05 Title: Re: HDPE barrel for sale
Postnum: 221 EntryID:856
Dear Mdm/Sirs,

1)We are manufacturers of recycled plastic resins and are Plsd to offer our abv KKAsia's Repro Resins Offers as appended below for yr imdt cnfmtn which is in making rightnow in our factory:

PP Repro resin Black,Inj grade pellets@US$750/- PP Repro Powder Clear@US$750/- HDPE Repro Resins White Pellets Film Grade@US$980/- LDPE Repro Resins Mix Pellets Film Grade@US$980/-

All abv prices are in Ex-Works Singapore n subject for negotiaions due to Global Fluctuations of Oil Ratings. Paymnt 100% in advance for yr priority allocations. 15-20days lead time reqd for some items. So pls reply yr intrst by return as keeping other byrs on hold.

2)We are Also currently willing to buy the fllwg plastic scraps:

LDPE Film Bags/naturals HDPE Film naturals or others HDPE Milk Bottles baled PP Natural Films/others PC-CD Pcs/lumps PC frm sheets PS-Bottles-flakes/lumps ABS Crush frm Computers HIPS Crush frm Refrigerators Silicon Rubber regrinds/Feeding bottles nipples PMMs frm signboard Acryllic sheets others

So wud appreciate yr offering us accordinly in CNF Singapore n HongKong rates for our workings.

Pls do not forget to Attach relevant jpegs for viewing.


Zadiq/Mktg Exec/Hp:65 97255837 K K ASIA PTE LTD K K Asia Building, 9 Tampines St 92, Singapore 528871. Tel:65 67873236/65 67817723 Fax:65 67877905/65 65874689

Posted by: Auday Altimimi on 1/21/06 Title: Re: HDPE barrel for sale
Postnum: 221 EntryID:963
Dear Sir , I would like to purchaseHDPE FILM GRADE white not printed , Give meaquotation ASAP, thankyou

Posted by: Auday Altimimi on 1/23/06 Title: Re: HDPE
Postnum: 221 EntryID:970
Dear Sir , May u Pls give me competitive quotation of Repro. HDPE white resins , and also a quotation of the scrap of natural HDPE both are film grade , and what about CNF morocco, Agadir port, I am waiting your reply today if it is possible , thank you for your reply . Auday

Posted by: Peggy on 3/1/06 Title: Re: HDPE barrel for sale
Postnum: 221 EntryID:1011
Dear William,

I want to enquire about the HDPE barrel that you posted before. Do you still have any HDPE for sale? If so, could you please send us a quotation CNF HK and some photos of the materials. We can purchase large amount of it and we pay good price. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Regards, Peggy Ko email:

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