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Posted by:
jack nasielski
on 3/14/06 Title:
PP Supersacs available
Postnum: 267 EntryID:1026
Have large supply of empty polypropylene supersacs that are available on an ongoing basis.
Posted by:
Liu bing
on 3/14/06 Title:
Re: PP Supersacs available
Postnum: 267 EntryID:1027
I can buy and export to China for recycling, pls contact me at 416-4587628 Thanks
Posted by:
on 3/15/06 Title:
Re: PP Supersacs available
Postnum: 267 EntryID:1029
Posted by:
Georgie Donais
on 7/12/06 Title:
Re: PP Supersacs available
Postnum: 267 EntryID:1154
We are building an earthen building in a park in downtown Toronto and would like to make the foundation out of earthbags, which require polypropylene bags (used for feed and such) as part of their structure. Would you be willing to share some of your bags with us, if they turned out to be what we need?
Thanks for your help!
Georgie Donais
Posted by:
Mario Bernal
on 7/29/06 Title:
Re: PP Supersacs available
Postnum: 267 EntryID:1185
Interested in buying used Bulk Bags.