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Ontario’s new Feed-in Tariff (FIT and micro FIT) Program

The Government of Ontario officially launched Canada’s first feed-in tariff program (FIT/microFIT), a new renewable energy program established under the landmark Green Energy Act. The program pays generators up to $0.802 per kWh of energy produced.

The Feed-in Tariff Program was developed to accelerate the growth of clean, renewable sources of energy, including bioenergy, solar, waterpower and wind, and the creation of thousands of new green jobs. The program is open to all renewable energy producers who meet the rules of the program, from homeowners, to small and medium businesses to community-based groups and larger scale commercial generators. The FIT/MicroFIT program:
• guarantees specific rates for energy generated from renewable sources. Up to $.802 per kWh generated.
• provides the right to connect to the electricity grid for renewable energy projects that meet technical, economic and other regulatory requirements
• delivers a one-stop streamlined approvals process, providing service guarantees for renewable energy projects that meet regulatory requirements
• requires domestic content for renewable energy projects – creating job opportunities here at home
• helps local communities and First Nation and Métis communities to build, own and operate their own renewable energy projects.

The Ontario Power Authority is responsible for administering FIT. Applications can be submitted now.

Renewable energy projects that generate less than 10 kW of electricity will have a different application process than larger commercial projects and will be administered as micro-feed-in tariff (microFIT) projects.

Click Here to view the Ontario Power Authority's FIT and microFIT program website.

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