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Conformance Check Inc - Showcase -
Conformance Check Inc.

Conformance Check

52 Harrop Ave
Etobicoke, Ontario M9B 2G9 · Canada
Tel 416-620-0846
Fax 1-866-306-5084

Conformance Check is a market leader in audit support software since 1994. Conformance Check offers auditing tools to manage and track your company's conformance to EHS regulatory and management system requirements.

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 EHS Auditor
 Corporate Assessment System
 Auditor Training

Auditing tools to manage and track your company's conformance to EHS Regulatory and Management System Requirements ….. designed by auditors for auditors.

Enjoy the Benefits of :

  • User friendly software and user support
  • Extensive library of pre-built and customizable Environmental, and Occupational Health and Safety audit check lists based on regulatory requirements in Federal, State, Provincial and Municipal legislation in the United States and Canada.
  • Enhanced due diligence through risk based facility specific audit plans
  • Reduced costs and increased audit consistency and effectiveness
  • Secure communication of audit findings and corrective action data

Conformance Check is a market leader in audit support software since 1994. Our customer list includes leaders in the Fortune 500 ranks.

Conformance Check's Powerful Suite of Products

EHS Auditor
Do you need a software tool to help you create and manage your Health, Safety and Environmental Compliance Assessment Audits? EHS Auditor is a MS Windows application that comes preloaded with your selection of audit criteria (protocols) based on US and Canadian Federal, Provincial/State and municipal EHS regulations as well as key industry standards and codes such as ISO 9000, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, and Responsible Care. EHS Auditor builds and manages your audit plans and non-conformance corrective action processes to ensure comprehensive quality management of whatever regulatory or management system audit criteria you choose to load. EHS Auditor is fully customizable allowing you to add your own audit criteria, safely change existing criteria, and select only the criteria to be included in the scope of your facility's audit plan. Boasts user interface and documentation in both English and French languages.

>>>Take the EHS Auditor Tour
>>>View List of Available Criteria

Corporate Assessment System - EHS Auditor with Audit Response Tracking (ARTP)
Does your company need a system to track your multiple facility assessments? Then harness the power of EHS Auditor for your corporation! EHS Auditor can generate audits based on your facility types (e.g. manufacturing, warehouse, etc.) and manage and compare audit plans based on different jurisdictions. EHS Auditor is fully multi-user, so audit plans can be distributed from a central location and be answered by one or a team of auditors with their findings merged in a completed audit. Any non-conformance findings can be easily and securely responded to by managers at the facility using ARTP, Conformance Check's web enabled companion application to the EHS Auditor. The facility's responses and corrective action plans are then approved or rejected by responsible parties within your corporation, such as corporate managers, executives and council. All done within ARTP. ARTP will even send e-mails to each responder to summon their input.

>>>EHS Auditor Corporate Assessment System and ARTP Tour

Auditor Training
We provide "in-house" EHS Auditor and ARTP users courses as well as our 3 day internal and 5 day EMS Auditor courses. Let us help you increase your internal audit team's depth and expertise.

>>>View Training Institute Information

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