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Waste Exchange
The Waste Exchange - Rules of Conduct intends to maintain The Waste Exchange and The Solution Board as friendly forums in which to exchange information, develop solutions and discuss issues regarding environmental management as it relates to industry in Canada. Users should be courteous at all times, and frame discussions in a constructive manner.

Messages which are slanderous, defamatory, profane, confrontational, unnecessarily contentious, mean-spirited, or are intended to ridicule, embarrass or humiliate are prohibited.

As is a free resource supported by our advertisers and sponsors, it is prohibited to use the bulletin board for the promotion or marketing of products and services unless the product or service is included as part of the response to another user's post on the bulletin board (Note: Contact us to discuss the many channels for promoting environmental products and services through

Messages about matters not related to the forum topics are also discouraged and may be deleted. reserves the right to interpret and enforce these rules, to delete messages which in its opinion violate the letter or spirit of these rules or for any other reason that we deem appropriate, and to prohibit the use of the bulletin board by violators.

All messages posted on this bulletin board become the copyrighted property of, and may be republished in whole or in part in other print and electronic information products.

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