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Posted by: Sue Hutchinson on 5/13/04 Title: Aluminum Recycling
Postnum: 59 EntryID:245
Corporation wishes to recycle alumiunum soda cans for their charity project. Can anyone advise of location in GTA/Etobicoke/Missisauga Area?

Many thanks


Posted by: Jassie Dhaliwal on 6/29/04 Title: Re: Aluminum Recycling
Postnum: 59 EntryID:292
Hello, If you are still interested please send specifics (tonnage, location, etc.). Thanks.

Posted by: Sue Hutchinson on 9/2/04 Title: Re: Aluminum Recycling
Postnum: 59 EntryID:353
Thanks everyone for your assistance. WestJet has decided to use a service provider for the GTAA Airports and is no longer interested in the project. Thank you for your help and best wishes for a greener future. Sue

Posted by: farshad amirihezavie on 8/1/06 Title: Re: Aluminum Recycling
Postnum: 59 EntryID:1190
For the kind attention of sales manager I have got my BS degree from one of the well known university in TEHRAN I have enough experience in field of marketing . And I would like you help me to open satisfactory space room for your products therefore I very much willing to act as your marketing agent in IRAN would you please to be kind enough to provide me with enough specification and necessary information to enable me to go to this job and take initial steps

I personally appreciate your help very warmly and remain

Your faithfully FARSHAD AMIRI HEZAVIE Please contact me My email: or

Add: NO31 2/3 alley second street SHAHRAK VALFAJR or VALFAJR town ship TEHRAN IRAN

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