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Posted by:
on 5/24/04 Title:
Recycled Stuffing
Postnum: 64 EntryID:254
Does anyone know of a place that recycles stuffing from old chesterfieds, sofas, mattresses and perhaps stuffed toys that are beyond repair?
Posted by:
Barry @ SKR
on 6/4/04 Title:
Re: Recycled Stuffing
Postnum: 64 EntryID:266
Have you tried your local MCC Thrift Store or other thirft store? I know some of the local MCC thrift stores have usd the fillings/foam to stuff pillows they have had volunteers make.
Posted by:
Jessie Cheng
on 9/9/04 Title:
Re: Recycled Stuffing
Postnum: 64 EntryID:360
I just posted a message that we generate 350 lbs of fabric cuttings per month. Send me an email at jcheng@steelcase.com if you are interested.